Tuesday, March 25, 2014

H A I R !!

For some reason hair has been a big deal around here lately.

It seems like everytime I turn around, someone is chopping their hair off!!

It all started when Jake walked out of the bathroom one morning with a complete buzzcut!  Self- inflicted, but a darn good job anyway!


AFTER (in the blue shirt)

Next!  A few days later, I get a group text from Kasey.  She had sent her dad and me a picture of a very unexpected haircutt!  A friend of hers from school did a great job!
While I did love her longer hair, I think her short hair makes her look more like her mama, which I LOVE!!  (I think I had the exact same hair cut right before I was pregnant with her in 1991!)

What do you think?

Then I found out that my sister, the long-curly-haired beauty, tells me she's gonna get a new do!  She was ready for a change.  The last time she went this short, I think she was in middle school!!!

She looks incredible!!  I've always admired her self confidence and courage!  I can't say enough HOW MUCH I LOVE HER HAIR!!!

Lastly,  my Sweetheart has been getting advice over the past month in reference to his upcoming treatments.  One of the tell-tale signs of chemo and sometimes radiation is temporary hair loss.  A way to help minimize the shock is to cut it short.  Otherwise, you tend to clog the shower drain with nasty hair balls or WORSE, you begin to look like you're sporting a bad comb-over!!!   (Homer Simpson)

If you know Bert at all, you know that he has the most gorgeous hair ever!  While I was in Alpine, he decided to take the plunge and have his hair dresser chop it off.  Needless to say, she was shocked!!
Whoop! Whoop!!  

Can you say, high school hair cut???  It is very 1986!!! Well, except for the gray hair!!

Albert!  You can pull off any decade!

So, i guess it's my turn, right?  I need to come up with something dramatic!


1 comment:

  1. So good to know things are moving ahead for you Albert. You know I love you and with your strong positive attitude the outcome will be alot better. HAIR MAKES NO LEASE (spanish for) hair doesnt make you or break you... you,re you.... mom


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