Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Valet Parking

(pic this morning, after much needed rest)

After the visit with the endocrinologist yesterday, we had ONE thing on the brain... C-O-F-F-E-E-E-E-E!

We signed in at the hospitality center to get our complimentary cup of joe and cookie (breakfast) then headed over to the observation solarium to find a comfy chair and phone charging station for a little relaxation before the ride on the trolley.  The bone density scan was next and we needed a re-charge to get through it.

As we sat there enjoying our piping hot coffee and peanut butter cookie, we watched the valet parking team in action below us.  The window washing team was harnessed in and washing the windows above us.   As all around us, fellow patrons slept in recliners, read the paper, talked on the phone, assemled puzzles, visited with each other and/or played on their electronic devices.

The valet dance below reminded me of our VERY FIRST visit here.  Each driver intently following the wildly gesturing arms of the attendant, wanting to follow their instructions, but can't help but be confused by the movements that are similar to an airplane tarmac.  I think somehow the attendants here could benefit from a couple of  flashlights with long cones attached to the top to improve visibility.

As each person debarks from their vehicle, I sense their tension.  Valet parking is complimentary for the very first visit at MD Anderson.  Our first arrival felt as though we had happened upon a luxury hotel.  They helped us with our bags and made us feel welcome and comfortable; each casually providing directions or assistance as though they lived to help you.  It helped melt away that tension and we felt like we were in good hands, finally.

The patient is generally in the passenger seat, requires more assistance, and has the look of fear in each of their faces.  Fear of the unknown mostly.  Wondering what the visit will bring, whether it be answers or just more questions.  Sometimes, patients receive an expiration date, some a miracle, or still others, like Albert, get smiles and reassurance that no matter how long or short he lives, he will be in good care until that time...'taken care of'.

Although our coffee break was short, it was exactly what we needed!

The bone density scan was quick and relatively painless.

What we needed after that was S-L-E-E-P!  and that is precisely what we did for the rest of the day!

Next, I'll let you know what the endocrinologist said to Bert, it was priceless!

Thanks for checking in!

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