Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A visit to the oncologist!

Just wanted to show a pic of the thymus in relation to the heart.

So last Friday, the 17th of January, we saw the oncology doc in Austin.  He had a little bit of NEW news based on the PET scan from the previous Wednesday.  

No new tumors.  Head to toe.

However, our research was confirmed.  This particular cancer does not respond to radiation.  Also, chemotherapy has only a dismal chance of being effective.  

So, we are still looking for options.  Alternative treatments.  Or current studies on nueroendocrine cancers.

The research teams are looking for something Albert is eligible for.

So still playing the waiting game.

Let us know what you have heard of, maybe it's worth a shot.

Monday, January 13, 2014

More tests this week

I am happy to report that Albert is doing great. 

He went back to his beloved green space trails yesterday.  He says he did almost 3 miles, even 'jogged' for about a half mile of it.  The humidity made it super hard to breathe.  He came home looking tired, but not fatigued.  I think he enjoyed working up a sweat and needing a shower!

This week will bring more info, hopefully.  Tomorrow he preps for a PET scan he's getting on Wednesday, then he goes back to the Austin oncology doctor on Friday for his recommendations for treatment.

He appears to be sleeping better and longer.  Sleep can make such a big difference! 

I'm proud of his progress.

On the other hand, I'm not coping as well as I thought I could.  I'm OK, but definitely not great.  There's nothing specific that I can say to explain it.  I just feel like my fibro fog is working double time, keeping me unfocused and on edge.  Maybe my mind is just taking a break, knowing that for the moment, all is well.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life Resumes!

Most of you know that Toby (Albert's baby) is a rescue animal, as all our animals are!  Today, he had a check-up and weighed in at 72 lbs!!  He's looking so much healthier and happier.  He is still heart worm positive and will begin treatment soon.

Albert went to work again today and followed it up with a little bowling!  He belongs to an over 45 league and used an 8 lb ball that was specially drilled for him.  The guys at the bowling alley were so happy to have their bowling bud back with them!  He came home exhausted!!  I'm glad to see it's helped him fall right to sleep!

And now the BIG NEWS!!!

Today, we got the call from MD Anderson!!  He has an appointment for the first week of February!  Yay! More tests, more scans, more vials of blood, but we're getting closer!

Keep those prayers going!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Radiation is a scary option!

Radiation has been a buzzword ever since we heard the word cancer.

Although no doctor has recommended it for Albert yet, we are preparing ourselves for when they do.

Did you know that in the United States, it is illegal for doctors to treat cancer with any other method than 1) surgery, 2) chemotherapy, and/or 3) radiation?

Regardless of effectiveness, doctors' hands are tied.  Even if they know another option, they cannot use it legally.

To learn the official government view on radiation, go to this link: .

Happy New Year!!

Wow!  Is it already 2014 !?!

This week has flown by!

We've spent lots of time with friends and family for all the holidays and in between. Good company and good conversation make for good spirits!

Albert went back to work yesterday for half a day, then went back today!

He felt so good that he came home and took me on a date to the movies!

I haven't updated you on the oncology visit.  I guess because it was so disappointing that I couldn't talk about it for a while.  

Now I realize that our expectations were just so high!  Back to reality, the doc was reading the notes as he spoke to us.  He had Albert relate the whole sorted tale by asking, tell me how you got here...

Long story short, I stopped him as he was rushing out the door and made him aware that Albert still has cancer on his heart.  Talk about a wake up call.  His surprised expression told me that basically this man deals with cancer on a daily basis.  Each patient is another paying customer.

After the revelation, he actually seemed interested in Albert's case, its complexity, its rareity.

So we got our foot in the door.  We went hoping for answers, but got more tests, scans, vials of blood.  A consult.

So maybe in two weeks when we see him again, we will at least talk to someone who has read the reports, familiarized himself with the case, maybe even shows a little compassion.  There I go with my high expectations again!

I'm thankful for a new year, a new beginning, a fresh look at us.

Maybe the year will bring a cure, a treatment, travel, a bucket list, or a boring life...I'm keeping my eyes open, my mind open, for whatever comes our way.

This weekend, we rest, we renew, we watch movies, and enjoy every minute that we are together...we are alive...and we are loved!